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Lauren Krummel



People come to Etsy all year round to shop for meaningful gifts. There are times of the year, where a large majority of the population is looking for a gift for the same reason. Some of Etsy’s biggest holidays for shopping are Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and the holiday season. As Etsy sellers we hope […]

Etsy Holiday Promotional Calendar for Etsy Sellers

Etsy SEO 2020

This is Layla’s face when I tell her about the things Etsy changes in their search engine optimization (SEO) in 2020.  Kidding, her brother probably told her their were big fish right at her feet!  But… hey since we are here let’s not be caught by surprise by changes Etsy has made in 2020.  Here […]

Etsy SEO: What’s Changed in 2020.


Etsy Success Roadmap

I want to give you the roadmap, a guide, a path to success on Etsy. Follow the steps I've taken.

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Ideal Etsy Listing

The complete guide to elements you must include in each of your Etsy Listings.

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Born to be a creative entrepreneur?

When you do what you love, it's good for your soul.

People who thrive wake up excited about their work. Owning your own creative business may fulfill your desire to pour your energy into work you were born to do. 

This five question quiz will break your personality and desires down into one of 12 different creative entrepreneur types. You'll be given the best path to your dream business.

Have less than three minutes to spare? Take the quiz!