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Lauren Krummel



You’ve found art that you would like to print from Eleanor Anne Prints! Let’s save time, no more hunting for the best place or method for printing and framing your art. Here are my printing and framing recommendations. I’ll be sharing the best place online to get your prints printed and shipped to you. In […]

Printing and Framing Recommendations for Vintage Prints.

Leaning into what you love can be one of the most important moves you will ever make. Building a career and business around something you love may be something you’ve been trying to do for years. You may even have an idea of what you want to do. You may have a nagging feeling that […]

5 Ways to Identify Your Passion and Turn it into a Career

A fresh Etsy store is a major component of what makes an Etsy shop successful. Even the Etsy algorithm favors fresh new listings and activity within an Etsy shop. We all know that keeping your Etsy shop up to date is important, but sometimes we struggle to know exactly how to keep our Etsy shop’s […]

Refresh Your Etsy Shop in 4 Steps

Shipping on Etsy can seem like one of the most complicated parts of owning an Etsy shop. You may feel slightly out of control when you hand your precious product to the postal office. You cross your fingers and hope you did everything correctly. All you want is for your item to arrive on time, […]

Shipping on Etsy: 5 ways to have the best shipping experience

Are you dreaming up a new Etsy shop name or want to change the one you have? Are you wondering how to name your Etsy Shop? There are only a few rules. Your shop name has to be 20 characters or less and contains no spaces or punctuation. Your shop name can not be used […]

How to Name Your Etsy Shop

The secret to professional-looking designs? Canva! Have you discovered it yet? Here are 5 ways I use Canva in my Etsy shop. I love having an amazing template and plugging my information in, switching up the colors to fit my brand, and BAM a killer design. #1 Thank You Cards For Customers Design a thank […]

5 Ways To Use Canva In Your Etsy Shop

Many creative entrepreneurs are passionate about their business, wanting to spend hours upon hours creating. We get a creative high when we are in the flow state and want to keep going. However, life tends to pull us away or even prevent us from getting started. So the question is, how do you fit your […]

Time Management for Etsy Sellers

People come to Etsy all year round to shop for meaningful gifts. There are times of the year, where a large majority of the population is looking for a gift for the same reason. Some of Etsy’s biggest holidays for shopping are Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and the holiday season. As Etsy sellers we hope […]

Etsy Holiday Promotional Calendar for Etsy Sellers

The biggest mistake that people make when trying to start a business is over complicating the process. They try and do all the things, all at once and get overwhelmed. This is true when starting or growing an Etsy shop. Keeping things simple is the key to success. It’s an amazing time to be an […]

The Ultimate Etsy Shop Starter Kit

Etsy Shop Idea

Starting an Etsy shop can be the single most impactful change in your career and business. The Etsy platform lets you take an idea and open a shop for just .20c. Often times people have the energy and drive to get started they just don’t know what type of shop to open. It can be […]

Etsy Shop Ideas: Nail your Niche Market & Etsy Shop Idea.

Creative Flow State

Do you remember a time when you immersed yourself so much in making, it was if time stood still. You had an idea for a creation and you focused all your energy on completing it. All of life’s distractions seemed to slip away. Everything else could wait. You were likely experiencing what scientists call, “flow […]

The “flow state”: Where the creative high occurs.

start selling passive income products on Etsy

Are you still in the business of trading your time for money? Do you have any products or services that you are selling that that create passive income? Meaning do you have to spend time making before and after every single sale? If you don’t have any passive revenue streams, you can only gain more […]

Stop trading time for money, start selling passive income products on Etsy

Etsy has released its financial numbers for 2020 and wow, if you thought Etsy was growing at a fast pace before, you should see it now. In 2020 more than ever Etsy is seen as a global platform for creative and unique goods. Etsy is special because it connects creative artisans with thoughtful customers. These […]

2020, the year Etsy grew over 100%, how to grow your Etsy shop.

Instagram posting for Etsy Sellers

If I could get back all those hours I spent overthinking Instagram Posts I would be one happy mama! Do you feel the same way? Are you an Etsy seller on Instagram? Use my template!  It’s yours for free! It’s one month of Instagram Posts for Etsy Sellers! The template comes from my instagram method […]

One Month of Instagram Posts for Etsy Sellers

time of day to do etsy work

Did you know you are better at certain tasks at different points in the day? The science behind timing fascinates me and when you know you can use it to your advantage. Here’s the run down… Morning: Most people are at their peak mentally in the morning for analytic work. Work where you need focus, […]

Timing Your Work For Success. The Time of Day Matters.

Sellers can learn so much from the data that Etsy provides; however, it can be overwhelming to dig in all at once. This is why I like to dig in to very specific pieces of information within my stats dashboard. I need to review the data to ensure I’m achieving MY NUMBER ONE GOAL.  Number […]

The Secrets to using Etsy Stats to Sky Rocket your Etsy Sales.

Staying Organized as an Etsy Seller

Being organized as an Etsy Seller becomes one of those things you wished you would have done sooner rather than later. You’ll find yourself saying, “why didn’t I do this before, it’s so much easier now.” Sometimes all it takes is small changes to make massive changes in efficiencies. Today we are going to walk […]

Staying Organized as an Etsy Seller

What’s more satisfying than doing a craft that turns in to a beautiful mantle decoration? I decided to make some sliced orange garland to add to the mantle this year! It’s simple, yet makes a statement with your holiday decor!  To make the orange garland, turn your oven on to 200 degrees and slice about […]

Fireplace Mantle: Citrus Orange Garland, a fun DIY

This will be my 11th year of putting together a holiday sale for my Etsy Shop. I’ve learned that during the holiday season people are shopping online and they are shopping quickly. If they see something they want on Etsy they will buy it and they aren’t going to shop around at different stores to […]

The Etsy Holiday Sales Strategy that Brings in Record Sales and Profits.

The holidays are coming and people are shopping earlier and earlier online for those one of a kind Christmas gifts! This is music to the ears of Etsy Sellers, we are ready for that increase in sales! We want customers to know when they should expect our items to show up in their mailboxes. The […]

The Shipping Strategy that has saved me stress during the holidays.

etsy sales

What’s the worst thing you can do to try and increase sales?  I remember once being discouraged by my Etsy Sales. I started to brainstorm what I could do to attract more buyers to my store. I saw other people having thousands of sales with similar products, sure they had been in business quite a […]

What’s The Worst Thing You Can Do To Try And Increase Sales?

How do you feel about customer reviews? Do you dread reading them when you are notified you’ve received them? Or do you know you’ve done everything possible to earn that 5 star review! Buyers can leave reviews for 100 days after the order’s estimated delivery date. For digital items, this window begins once you download your […]

4 Steps to 5 Star Etsy Reviews.

Who do people want to buy from when they buy on Etsy? YOU, the maker. This is what sets Etsy apart from other marketplaces. Etsy customers love that they are buying from a maker, someone who is passionate about their craft, they love the connection! When you are on Instagram as an Etsy Seller you […]

Instagram Strategy for Etsy Shop Owners

Etsy Success

Did you know moving your body and mind simultaneously helps decrease anxiety? I’ll show you how to create this empowering piece of jewelry. Tony Robins once said energy flows where focus goes. Stop anxiety and focus on a craft, sink so deeply in to it that all your energy goes to your craft. On Etsy, […]

How to decrease anxiety with this simple, beautiful creation.

I often find myself with motivation to update pieces of my Etsy Shop, one day I’ll be inspired by another shops shop banner and I’ll update that, be happy with it and then move on with my day and forget to look at the big picture of my Etsy Shop Store Front. I needed a […]

Top 5 elements to ensure your Etsy Store Front looks like a million bucks.

Etsy SEO 2020

This is Layla’s face when I tell her about the things Etsy changes in their search engine optimization (SEO) in 2020.  Kidding, her brother probably told her their were big fish right at her feet!  But… hey since we are here let’s not be caught by surprise by changes Etsy has made in 2020.  Here […]

Etsy SEO: What’s Changed in 2020.

We are visual beings and Etsy certainly realizes that. We also have other senses that we essentially lose when we are shopping online. Our sense of smell and our sense of touch are out the window. But with good photography and with the help of some well written descriptors we can bring back the sense […]

On Etsy you have 10 photos. How to be the most effective.

When you are trying to think of what you want to sell on Etsy, for me the ideal product was something I could make once and then sell over and over again without effort each time the product sold.

Design a product once then automate each sale.


Etsy Success Roadmap

I want to give you the roadmap, a guide, a path to success on Etsy. Follow the steps I've taken.

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Ideal Etsy Listing

The complete guide to elements you must include in each of your Etsy Listings.

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Born to be a creative entrepreneur?

When you do what you love, it's good for your soul.

People who thrive wake up excited about their work. Owning your own creative business may fulfill your desire to pour your energy into work you were born to do. 

This five question quiz will break your personality and desires down into one of 12 different creative entrepreneur types. You'll be given the best path to your dream business.

Have less than three minutes to spare? Take the quiz!